Sunnah Towards One Self

             SUNNAH OF FOOD


1.    Rasulullah SAW didn't drink milk while he ate beef, chicken or fish
Nabi Muhammad SAW once cautioned his companions as not to mix fish and milk in a dish. This fact is actually proven by science where it was found that chicken contains positive ions while seafood or fish contains negative ions. When these two ions meet, they will create a biochemical reaction whih can lead to stomach pain or ulcers.  

2. Rasulullah SAW forbided drinking milk with vinegar
Vinegar is acidic and slows down the rate of protein absorption in the intestines. Body growth can be stunt because of lack of protein 

3. Avoid eating acidic fruits with milk.
For example, oranges or lemons. This is just the same as drinking milk with vinegar 

4. Rasulullah SAW ate fruits before having meals
Eat fruits at least half an hour before we have heavy meals. Fruits naturally are high in fibre. When we eat fruits before our meals, automatically our stomach will be full with fibre. Thus we eat less rice or grains, which if are not burned later will transform into fat.

5. Nabi Muhamad SAW loved to eat cereals or grains such as Habbatus Sawda, barley and oats.
In a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
“Al-Habbah Al-Sawda’ is the cure for every disease except death”.
Dietry based on cereals and grains are nutritious because they are high in phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are powerful antioxidants that increase the body's defense against viruses , good for the heart, prevents diabetes and obesity
Al-Hakam Bin Uyainah said:
“Rasulullah SAW won't sleep at night except after he has eaten Habbatus Sawda and honey. That is his practice every morning for energy, memorisation and to prevent asthma"


1. Cleaning One’s TeethUsing the siwaak  is a highly recommended by the Sunnah. There are many ḥaadeeth that mention the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) encouraged the use of the siwaak. The siwaak cleanses the mouth and removes foul odors.

2. Moisturizing One’s Hair: It is recommended to moisturize one’s hair every other day, just as the Messenger (salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would do. 

3. Looking at One’s Self in the Mirror: It is recommended to look at one’s self in the mirror when he finishes cleaning and beautifying himself. One looks in the mirror because there is a possibility that something needs to be adjusted or tweaked. Thus, one looks in the mirror before going out to meet people. This is the Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah (salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used to look in the mirror.

4. Using Delightful Fragrances : This is done because all of the Prophets did so. It is also done so that a person’s scent is pleasant, not offensive. So, he applies fragrances when he generally goes to prayer, and specifically when he goes to Friday prayer (al-Jumu’ah). He also uses delightful fragrances in the circles of remembrance and when he goes to gatherings.



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